Dieu est grand pour les crapules ( God is great for scoundrels ) is a short documentary film.

The film introduces us to Tini, a 74 years old backgammon player. Passionate about the game Tini has been playing Backgammon for the past 30 years. During the pandemic, the gamers have moved online and so did she. This week-end “le backgammon club Rochelais” is having their annual tournament online and Tini is ready to go for the gold.

By observing her play, spend hours in front of the computer, we get to see her:  insult her opponents, win, lose, chat, wait… We get to dive into her passion and witness her full absorption into what is now also an online game. We learn very little about backgammon but a lot about her.  The film makes the portrait of a 74 years old beautiful lady who finds great joy, thrill, drama, fun and oblivion in a game called Backgammon.





work in progress

currently in post production